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Guidance: a residential course with full immersion with university for 180 talented High School students. From June 20th the three courses of Sant'Anna, Normale and IUSS will take place in Pisa and Pavia

Publication date: 15.06.2022
Scuola di Orientamento Universitario
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A residential course with full immersion in the world of university education will be offered to more than 180 high school students, who have passed a selection among a large number of high school students. The School of Orientation, promoted by Sant'Anna School, Scuola Normale Superiore, IUSS Pavia University School is composed of three courses.  After two years of online lectures and meetings, with 2022 the courses finally return in-person, preserving completely free participation, according to this calendar: in Pisa, from Monday, June 20th to Friday, June 24th at Sant'Anna School, from Monday, June 27th to Friday, July 1st at Scuola Normale Superiore; in Pavia from Monday, July 4th to Friday, June 8th at IUSS University School.

The guidance activities are offered to a selection of talented students, who have distinguished themselves through academic achievement and high personal profile, selected from more than 600 applications. The programmes of the three courses, which alternate between university lectures on frontier topics and visits to laboratories for early contact with the world of research and many other moments of sharing experiences with honors students of the three Schools, are designed to encourage a more informed, mature and thoughtful choice of university career. The lectures, round-table discussions and seminars will be taught by professors and assistant professor from the three Schools.

Participants will be lead to their university choice through the presentation of  a wide range of educational paths offered by the Italian university panorama and, in particular, by the three Schools and the Universities with which they coordinate. One session will be focused on learning more about the entry admission procedure with the support of the testimonies of students from the three Schools. The Honors students will also introduce the aspects that characterize the campus life, underlining the added value that living such an immersive college education experience generates.

"The experience of the School of Orientation  continues a long tradition," affirms Professor Emanuele Rossi, who, together with colleagues Chiara Cappelli of the Scuola Normale and Andrea Tiengo of the IUSS Pavia University School, coordinates the committee which is in charge of the organisation of the event, "which offers every participant a privileged point of view on the university as a place devoted not only to the knowledge transmission but also to human and cultural growth, with the common aim of exploring the most advanced frontiers of scientific research”.

Cover photo from the archive.